Dear KOISTUDY admins,
Maybe i'm writing this blog in English not in Korean to show that i'm not from South Korea (this is a bad reason)
I'm an international student who has just 3 attempts left for IOI and i have found this website (KOISTUDY) as an excellent training site to learn competitive programming and it gave me the determination and the perseverance to go straight ahead and dreaming bigger on IOI since i was a big fan of Ko_osaga , cubelover and ainta and the South korean IOI team in general who were the ultimate source of inspiration for me.
I'm very delightful to write this blog(my first ever blog written by me) to express my gratitude to give me the golden hand and to save me from sinking in the sea of failure .
I won't make it longer and i'll jump directly in my main idea which is i want to say that i'm self studying and i would be very happy if you add some lectures or courses accompanied with problems for algorithms , data structures etc.... to make it easy for people like me .
Thanks for reading this and i hope that you can understand my situation :)
Sorry :( I missed.. and delete your id... but... re register your account.. then i will approve it~ :)